Sunday 25 November 2012


3-D Shoulder Circuit

All exercises should be performed in a continuous, non-stop circuit.
Dumbbell Shoulder Press To begin the circuit, perform dumbbell shoulder presses to engage the entire shoulder complex with slightly more focus on the front deltoids. Select a weight in which you will fail between 12-15 repetitions.
Barbell Upright Row
With a slightly wider than shoulder-width overhand grip, perform barbell upright rows to once again stimulate the front deltoid. Opting for the wider grip will place more emphasis on the side deltoids rather than engaging the trap muscles in the neck. Select a weight in which you will fail between 12-15 repetitions.
Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly
The dumbbell rear delt fly will isolate the rear and side deltoids. Standing straight, with legs shoulder-width apart. Lean forward at the waist. Keep your back straight, allow the dumbbells to hang under your chest. Angle wrists so that your pinky fingers are slightly higher than your thumbs. Slowly raise arms straight up to the sides. Select a weight in which you fail at 15 repetitions.
Front Plate Raises
Front plate raises are a great explosive movement to finish off your front deltoids. With your hands in front of you, hold a barbell plate and lift forward. Raise the plate to slightly above eye level (if you can peak through the hole you have lifted the weight high enough). Select a weight in which you fail at 15 repetitions.
Rest for 90 seconds and perform three to four additional sets of the circuit.

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